How to Cover Your Gray Hair Instantly (vlog)

What to do when your gray starts coming?

One of my friends on Facebook just asked me this question a few minutes ago and this is what I said:

One quick and easy solution is to use Style Edit Coloring Spray to erase temporarily your gray. It is gone once you wash your hair. Many of my clients carry this product with them in their purses all the time. This is their go-to hair coloring product. QUICK FIX.

Don't pull your hair back because you can obviously see more roots when your hair is pulled back into a ponytail. Instead, see the next sentence.

Wash your hair with a color-safe shampoo which helps the color to be locked in the hair protecting it from fading.

DON'T USE BOX COLOR: Box color can create darker bands in your hair and you may ruin your hairdresser's work and all the money you have spent on it!

Wash your hair, let it dry naturally, and apply some root lifter so you can add some volume on the front so it won't be too close to the scalp and the roots won’t show as much either.


Would you like to know anything else when coloring your own hair?

Here is my video on this topic:


Drugstores vs Salon Hair Care Products


Practice Makes Perfection