Westport Hair & Co.

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Holiday Haircare Routine – Holiday Season 2022

Well, annual holidays are just around the corner – have you thought out about your holiday haircare routine? We understand that many people become busy consolidating financial and other important matters at the end of each year.

So, to make things easier when it comes to your haircare, we have taken the pains of compiling a conclusive list of things you need to do to keep your hair in good shape during the 2022 holiday season. The things we will point out will help you greatly in maintaining great locks in the chilly winter holidays.

So, let us begin the list!


Pay Your Hairdresser a Visit -:

It may require a little effort on your end, but that effort will be worth your time. Because the holiday season is the time when you will meet your friends, family, and acquaintances on a personal level, you and your hair must look in fine shape.

Visiting your hairdresser will ensure that your hair will get the required treatment and trimming to look good and stay healthy during the harsh winters. Untreated hair will receive severe damage due to chilly weather which can deteriorate your hair greatly.

If you happen to be in and around Westport, CT; you can give us the pleasure to serve your hair well. Westport Hair & Co. is one of the highly loved and regarded hair salons in Westport, CT. See what our customers say about us and then decide:


Do not Forget to Wash Your Hair -:

Cold weather does not mean that your hair does not need a shower. Additionally, cold weather sucks the moisture out of your hair so it is recommended to wash your hair at least 2 – 3 times a week.

The reason for this is the fact that unwashed hair accumulates dandruff and scalp dryness, and too much of it can damage your hair. However, try to use lukewarm water and avoid using too hot water, as it can also damage your hair.

After each wash, be sure to oil your hair properly to keep them moist and for immediate protection against cold air.


Avoid Styling Products Excess -:

A little bit of blow-drying or curling might not hurt at all, but during winter holidays it is pertinent to avoid using an excess of heat styling products such as straighteners, curlers, blow-dryers, or heat serums.

The excessive use of these products can cause split ends and break your hair during cold weather. Overall, we recommend avoiding any summer-day hairstyling such as braids, updos, twists, and buns during the winter holiday season as all these hairstyles can expose your hair to the harsh effects of winter.


Drinking Lots of Water Helps -:

Here is an excerpt from an article published at Medicinet.com:

“Drinking enough water helps keep your skin soft and supple. It can prevent wrinkles and help your skin retain more of its elasticity. It has similar benefits for your scalp. Staying hydrated promotes circulation and oil production of the scalp, keeping your hair follicles healthy and your locks strong, encouraging growth.”

So, hair strands build and stay healthy on the required amount of water they receive. If this gets lacking, your hair will suffer a lack of moisture, get broken easily, and portrays a dull and damaged look.

Drinking at least two liters of water daily, especially in winter, is very important for your hair’s moisture and overall glow. Keep that ratio up and going during your Christmas holidays in 2022 and beyond.


Oiling Your Hair -:

Along with winter comes dryness and with it the need for regular oiling of your hair. So, the best way to keep your hair moisturized is by oiling your hair regularly. You can use any kind of oil such as coconut, olive, jojoba, sunflower, etc. to retain the shine and moisture.



So, just by keeping track of the things mentioned above, your holiday haircare routine will be in tip-top condition. They may require little effort from your end but that is all worth the time. Your hair will never feel dull, dry, or disheveled and you will always feel confident when spending time with your loved ones in the holidays. And with this, we wish you all a very happy holiday and Christmas season in 2022 – be good and well!